A funny old day today. Started off just as usual when all of a sudden there is a bit of a thunk and the next thing I know one of our circuits was down and Dave, who is (without being sarcastic) a bit of a DIY God, couldn’t fix it.
Not normally something to bother me but it happened to be the circuit that the internet is on. So we spent the whole day with no internet. Let me just repeat that We. Had. No. Internet. All. Day.
Now I know that this isn’t exactly a new state of being, humankind having existed for a good few years without it. But, readers, fellow internet addicts, it was a strange state to be without it. On holiday it is quite fun to be internet free, but that is holiday time. We are doing holiday like things. This was day to day life.
To start with I got a lot of work done. An awful lot of work done. Enough work to think that really I ought to be turning the internet off every morning as I clearly don’t have the self control to not just have a quick read of a blog or 52.
But then we started to need the internet. Need to call an electrician to come out and fix it, where’s their number? On the internet (all big phone directories having gone mysteriously AWOL). Want to contact Royal Mail to arrange a re-delivery time for a packet? Either go onto the internet and press a couple of buttons easy-peasy or go faintly demented waiting for them to answer the phone. My supervisor calls, is emailing me through a paper that I need to edit, actually he isn’t because my email isn’t working. Even phoning people becomes a pain as we use our Skype phone rather than a normal phone.
Then of course there is the drama. What if someone has sent me a really important email? (when does anyone send me a really important email, but doesn’t stop me fretting). When can I put up my next blog post? What if there is something really interesting going on in the news/blogworld/twittersphere and I don't know.
The electrician arrived this afternoon about 4pm and was very nearly kissed by both me and Dave. The cold turkey was over. We’d done far too much work for the day and both needed our internet fix. Feeling much better now...