Christian Travelers Guide


I have been absolutely honoured by the recent '250 Likers' milestone on the blog's Facebook page, the always increasing blog subscribers as well as the wonderful comments, interactions and laughs I've had with you all so far, on all things thrifting! It's been really great to meet so many different people - from all around the world. That's what it's about!

So to celebrate, You Got That At An Op Shop?! is having it's first competition! From my own private collection I'm giving you the chance to win three little items - I'm sure you can guess the theme...

1. Retro Royal Vale "Brown Leaves" coffee set
2. Vintage "Caffe" coffee cannister
3. Vintage English teaspoon

All you have to do is:

1. Make sure your'e a Facebook "liker" of the You Got That At An Op Shop?! page

2. And/or sign up for the blog here via email subscription or Google+

3. Tell me in 75 words or less about the first 'item' that got you hooked on thrifting.

Was it something you bought? Was it something you saw? Or was something passed down to you? Whatever the story, I wanna hear it!

All you need to do is email your entry and contact details to And of course, images to accompany your story are also welcome. It's that simple!

Competition closes Sunday 30th September 2012. Winner will be notified by email and your prize will be lovingly bubble wrapped and posted to you. The winning entry will also be proudly posted on the 3rd October blog!

Good luck and happy op shopping!

Kel x

  1. > tista vintage
  2. > whoosh, in the oven
  3. > Galaxy
  4. > In which I don't side with FIFA
  5. > Things never heard in my 1970s childhood