I'm stuck in a muddle with this blog. I want to do more with it but can't find the time or energy. I want to write interesting posts that don't bore me senseless, but find although I have the ideas for them, I don't want to write them until I can do them justice.
So, for example, I've been mulling a post in my head for ages. Title to be something along the lines of 'Aid is a salve for our Western consciences: Discuss'. I really want to write this post. I don't necessarily agree with its sentiments, it's more of a devil's advocate kind of a post but there's some good ideas to be thrown out there for people to chew on. But I can't write this post until I have sat down and marshaled my thoughts, put them together coherently and actually strung together a proper argument. So don't hold your breath.
Or how about something more meaty on being a Stay At Home Mother (SAHM for those in the know) and in particular whether we, the highly educated women who are not out there contributing to the economy, have somehow let down our mothers and grandmothers who did everything they could to ensure that we got the best education we could possibly get so that we could not use it.
What about something on the enormous great mess going on in Bosnia as one year after the elections there, there still isn't a functioning government and whilst there isn't a functioning government the country is lurching deeper into social and political instability and economic quagmire. There's a lot to be written about how the situation in Bosnia, over 15 years after the end of its war, holds important lessons for the Libyans, Syrians and others trying to build peace.
Or even how the football federation in Bosnia was suspended by FIFA (in a rare fit of morals) until it sorted out the ethnic structure and against all the odds they did sort it out and in 2 months achieved something that the international community has been trying to do with the Bosnian State for years. I mean who'd have thought it. FIFA? Morals? Integrity? Flying pigs? Maybe football is the way forward after all.
Or, as Pants With Names is a parenting blog, something along the lines of how stressful it is when you and your friends have very different parenting styles.
Maybe I could even venture into posting about the blogging community, as I was very struck the other day about the number of long-term bloggers there are who are not usually early tech adopters (myself right there). I wonder what it was that made us all decide to take up blogging in the first place, all those years ago, and how did we get into it when I don't even have a touch screen phone and have never, in my life, downloaded an app.
Ah well. Another time. Anyone got any particular preference for which post to tackle first? It may be a while coming and in the meantime apologies for the frothy old garbage that I've been churning out recently.