Sam is now 10 months and still breastfeeding. Not exclusively, obviously, as he eats a fair range of food, but he still gets all his milk from me. And I'm starting to reach the point of thinking that I'd quite like to stop now.
The problem is that I am fundamentally idle and therefore can't be bothered to faff about with bottles and formula milk and you aren't supposed to give cows milk until the baby is 12 months. So I find myself in a bit of a juncture. Do I wean him off me and onto formula for the 2 months or so until he is 1? Do I just go 'we were all fed cows milk from 6 weeks and we all turned out fine' and give him the moo stuff a bit earlier than advised? Or do I just um and ah about what to do for another couple of months and by putting off making a decision brilliantly get to the point where there is no longer a decision to make?
Crucially, do any of the alternatives to breast feeding allow me to sit on the sofa with a book, ignoring the chaos erupting around me whilst glaring at my husband and mouthing 'I'm feeding the baby, you sort it out'?