As most of you know, my past couple of weeks have been pretty hectic and that busy-ness has not allowed for much op shopping. In fact, during my jury service in the big smoke this past week, I had grand plans to hit up all the city op shops during my lunch break. Yeah, that was never gonna happen!
And amongst all that chaos I found my head was swirling with planning, worrying, checklisting, deciding, ruminating etc etc - aaaaaargh! But yesterday I had a wonderful little 'back down to earth' moment.
And it came in the guise of a young lady by the name of Taylah.
But let me take you back a little first.
Ever since I began work in Bentley in December last year, I have been frequenting the Red Cross Shop on Albany Highway (at the Bentley Centre) at least weekly. And since that time I have seen this little op shop flourish.
When I first started visiting it, I thought it was a little small and a little outdated. Sure, it had all the obligatory sections such as shoes, jewellery, bric-a-brac, clothes, bags, craft, books etc but it didn't strike me, personally, as outstanding. But I never waivered and I never gave up hope and now, I LOVE being able to say it one of my most favourite op shops in Perth.
Since December, this little store has 'grown up'. The displays are now more eye catching and cared for, the clothing is upmarket label-strewn, the shoes have a great and modern selection and the bric-a-brac, well, you can always find something!

This oppie always has awesome sales (hello to the recent 50% off all clothing sale!!) but I have to tell you, the prices are super competitive anyway. Even I'm always amazed at some of their prices.
I really couldn't count on two hands exactly the number of bits and bobs I've come home with but I'll give you some examples that spring immediately to mind... .
$2 vintage champagne glasses, $3.50 brand new Rusty jumper, $5.95 Royal Vale trio, $8 Country Road flats, $6.95 Ted Baker handbag, $6.95 Witchery cargos, $10 Cartier watch, $30 retro cannister set, $7.95 Karen Millen jeans, $5.95 Sportscraft jeans... .I could go on. But I think you get the point. This place has some treasures.
For those of you who haven't been there before however, do not let the size of this op shop put you off. You MUST roll up your sleeves and inspect every shelf, stand, basket and rack thoroughly - otherwise you will miss this good stuff. So that brings me to:
Op Shop Rule No 15: Little Can Mean Big!
Bentley Red Cross is a prime example of not judging a small op shop too harshly on first inspection. Yeah it may look small, but that doesn't makes a lick of difference. Because it's what's on the inside that counts. And some of these smaller shops can add some of the most valuable finds to your collections. So don't turn up your nose too quickly, give it a go and I bet you'll be rewarded.
I think most of you might be aware of one of my latest visits to the store where I found two Engtish Sadler ironstone beauties - I loved the colour so much I happily took a photo of them and then left them at the store. That night, reviewing my photos, I kicked myself for not grabbing them.
So the next morning I grabbed my lovely work mate Morag and we headed straight over to find them. But alas, they were gone :( That night however I had a dream that I found them - so off I went the following day but to no avail... .that was until I figured out the vollies had recently sorted their offerings into colours.
Yup - I saw the orange section - and bingo - there they were waiting in all their $4 glory just for moi. Ah destiny.
The vollies at this store are really lovely too. They're a multicultural bunch and I think I've been served by every single one of them... in fact, I think I'm starting to be recognised a little as the "girl who always comes in on a Monday around lunchtime". Haha, is that a good thing?
On the subject of vollies, a couple of months ago I noticed that there was a new, younger volunteer helping around the store. She was obviously being supervised by a support worker or carer while she went about her day and it she who served me my Country Road flats. And it was her ear piercing declaration of "I LOVE THIS JOB" when she found the sister shoe in the backroom that put a massive smile on my face.
And on my first day back at work yesterday, she served me again. I had asked to see a $2 pair of sunnies from the glass cabinet at the counter (as I was purchasing a few other items!) and she stated how much she loved them herself. I commented that she must find a lot of good things working in the store, to which she loudly stated 'YES I LOVE WORKING HERE'.
'Again I smiled and stated that I too, loved the store and introduced myself, along with answering her questions about what I do as a support worker in mental health. She stated that she also had 'problems' but that these were just "like everybody else". There wasn't a hint of woe or self pity in this statement either which I immediately admired.
When I then asked her name, she told me that she often didn't give it out as she couldn't 'pronounce' it right for others to understand (due to some speech difficulties). But we perservered and it came to light that her name was Taylah.
Again Taylah told me how much she enjoyed working at Bentley Red Cross, along with her favourite part being the operation of the till. I commented that she seemed to be doing a pretty awesome job at working the cash register to which Taylah loudly exclaimed "YES, THAT'S BECAUSE I AM AWESOME".
How is it that I could find myself these past few weeks feeling that the wonderful things I have in my life are "hard" "time consuming" or "worrying" when there are those out there who would love to be able to catch a bus unaided, buy a house of their own, have food on the table, be able to op shop!!!??
So thank you Taylah, you've reminded me to slow down and enjoy the little things. And I will most certainly be coming back next week, as promised.
K x
Red Cross Op Shop
Bentley Plaza Shopping Centre
1140 Albany Hwy,
Ph: 08 9356 6398
Open: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm / Sat 9am-4pm
Keep an eye out for the Red Cross's latest store campaign entitled "Spring Cleaning" - it's pretty simple really - with the turn of the season it's a perfect time to have a clean out and donate your unwanted goodies to the Red Cross stores.
Believe me, after packing up a home, op shops around the metro area are now selling my old stuff!! Head over here to find out how you too can donate!