Christian Travelers Guide


Over the past few days I have been giving my Etsy store a tiny makeover. Items are having their photo taken again which I hope means that you will now be able to see the details more clearly. Thanks, macro lens!

I've also adjusted the shipping costs so that all Australian orders are sent at a flat rate with tracking for only $7.50, which means you can follow your items journey from me to you! Hurrah! New Zealand scores flat rate postage at the same price, however please let me know if you need to upgrade to registered post to ensure a safe trip! Lastly, all other international orders will be sent at a mere $10 flat rate, which means you can purchase as many items as you like and all it will cost is ten buckaroos.

Oh oh! Should also mention that a few new items snuck their way into the shop too! The mini shape studs now come in a few new colours, like bubblegum pink and bright green (my new favourite colour, it seems!).

Last but not least, I'm very excited to announce that my first Tasmanian market stall will be this Friday (!!!) at Niche. I can't wait and am having fun trying to invent a market stall display that I can pack into a suitcase and costs next to nothing. Let's just say it involves paper, paint, boxes and potatoes! Oh, and lots of finger crossing too! If you are in the area please swing by and say hello, I'd love to meet some new faces.

Things I've seen:
Today I was shown this super-cool interactive collage page by this good person.

Speaking of collage, I wouldn't mind flipping through this book.

Really into these weavings by this girl.

  1. > An apology
  2. > the past few days
  3. > A new Olympic Sport
  4. > The Gallery: Kitchens
  5. > Hello Sam