My day, in list format:
* Cooked a very weird breakfast because I don't want to eat bread or porridge. Fried tofu, tomato and mushroom mixed with spicy stir-fry leftovers + baked beans. I call this a pick-&-mix.
* Freshen up the guinea pigs hutch, cuddle them for a while and cop fur all over my jumper. Extra insulation haha. They have been standing up on their hind legs 'begging' for grass lately. Or perhaps they are just wanting to get out of their temporary box home while I clean. This has actually happened twice. Pip is an excellent escape artist.
* Head down to the local shops for potting mix but discover a fundraiser sale on the way. We stop and buy 21 pieces of clothing. Oops.
* Arrive home with a ton of bags and I try on all of the sweaters and cardigans I bought, picking my favourites (1 is lambswool and totally nanna style in soft pink - not my usual purchase but I was feeling the Molly Ringwald vibes!)
* Photographed the rest of the sweaters and listed them here in case anyone wanted first pick before we upload them to our Etsy store.
That's kind of all for now. Tomorrow I promise to have lots of nice vintage book scans from our modest collection for you to peep at.