Christian Travelers Guide

the very best home for me

Exciting news everyone! July 10th will see me on a plane relocating to my new home in Tasmania, with just a suitcase, my boyfriend and our guinea pigs!

We are all so very happy today, as we finally secured a great older-style retro house in a very convenient and what I imagine to be a picturesque location, complete with a fully fenced backyard, which I am completely thrilled about.

This means that the July 7th & 8th Finders Keepers will be my last Brisbane market for a long time, so be sure to drop in, as I'd love to see you before I skedaddle!

Psst! For those keen to pick up a few Pannikin goodies at the market, I will have lots of special Finders-Keepers-only prices and deals... Oh, and this house (soft object) will be looking for a new home! I had some linen hiding in my sewing box so I've been busy making some applique cuties!