Christian Travelers Guide

it was rainy and i was happy

A few happy snaps from the past few days...

Bubble-gum icecream! Admittedly, this was a super gross ice cream (can such a thing exist?!). It had a really strange texture and questionable ingredients but boy the colours were pretty!

It was super rainy today and I spent the afternoon packaging WBC brooches and earrings. The other day I remembered that I had one last sheet of plastic tucked away for safe keeping so I made some rather pretty brooches using scans from one of my herb books. Later I hope to make more of these using my collages instead.

This is a snapshot of what I wore on my shopping mission today. The goal? Find a coat that will keep me warm in Tasmania! I only own one rather sloppy jumper, one soft-but-still-itchy vintage jumper and one red cardigan complete with flocked cat buttons and pilling.

Mission complete! One ultra cheerful, yellow wool coat. I can't wait to wear this with coloured tights and the new Dr Martens I bought online! (Background info: I never spend considerable amounts of money on clothes, especially new ones, so these purchases are kind of a big deal for me. To give you an indication, my current/favourite pair of shoes cost $5 secondhand... oh and I only own 4 pairs of shoes, and two of those have holes in them!)

Umm so stick on earrings are still cool in my books. Actually, my Nanna wears them often as she can't wear regular earrings (pierced or clip ons). Her favourites seem to be those silver star stickers you hand out to kindergarten kids when they have been especially good. My Nanna kind of rules.