I have finally come to the conclusion that if I am to manage to get through the day with a shred of sanity, then something has got to give. More than one thing in fact. Here's a list of things that I have put on hold in order to be able to keep my head above water.
1. CyberMummy. It was always going to be ambitious to think I'd be able to make the Mummy and Daddy Blogger conference CyberMummy later this month. It just was a bit too ambitious. I just can't sort the logistics out. My attempts to sort the logistics out have been stymied by Dave's 40th birthday the next day. It's a special birthday so there isn't really any competition. Whilst the other parent bloggers are crowd sourcing and keynote speaking, I'll be baking cakes and packing picnics. I'm sad not to be going (especially as I was looking forward to meeting Plan B and NotSuperMum, not to mention my old expat muckers, iota, potty diaries and LondonCityMum as well as the other Huggies Mums) but there you go.
2. PhD. This one has been on hold for a while but I kept thinking I should be doing some reading, some writing, some more research. But I haven't got the brain cells to rub together. Sam is going to go to a child minder in September, I'll start it again then (and you never know, I might even manage a trip to Bosnia to kick start the research whilst I'm at it - there's a treat for me).
3. Kitchen Extension. Who was I kidding? 4 months of building work over the summer? Whilst weaning and with a crawling baby? I have delivered a swift sharp kick to my backside and slap to the head. It's still in the pipeline but sometime during 2012.
4. Blogging. I just don't have the time to do it. You may have noticed by my sporadic posting and even less frequent commenting and general interaction in the community. I miss it, I really do. But I can't do it right now. I know you blogging lot will still be there is a couple of months. So I'll still pop by to say hi when I can, but if I don't then I'm not ignoring you, I'm just drowning in real life stuff.
5. Street Party. Ok, I haven't managed to pass this one on. But the delegating is getting impressive and it will be over soon. I'm not doing it again.
6. Adam's homework. He's 6. He doesn't need to do homework. I haven't done any for months now and it is kind of liberating.
7. Domesticity. Just not really happening. We now have a cleaner who keeps the worst at bay, but I have accepted I am never going to be a domestic goddess. Even better, I don't really care.
There is a load of other stuff too. But, if I am to remain on top of life then I need to be realistic about what I can achieve. And having put a lot of things on hold I'm feeling totally liberated. Why didn't I do this months ago?