... I want to be good at something, have fun and be happy. The 'something' will, hopefully, be contemporary jewellery. It feels like a very far-off and distant goal, but I'll get there. I am determined not to rush myself. Assuming I will live to a ripe old age, I have plenty of time to experiment, hone my skills and find my niche.
Much of my internet wanderings has been spent admiring the work of others, not so much for creative inspiration (although it is exciting to see what people can do with unexpected materials) but for goal-reaching inspiration. To keep me going, you know? Too much design and production line-style work for my previous projects left me feeling bored and irritated with so much focus on business and having money to pay my bills. Time for change!

Rhiannon Higgins

Réka Fekete

Lisa Björke

Sarah Holden