Christian Travelers Guide

Playing in the garden

We've been pretty excited since we discovered that there are blackberries growing over our fence. I went out this afternoon and picked a few ripe ones to pop in our rolled rice porridge tomorrow. Just look at this branch of unriped fruit! Eep! I have never seen so many people growing food in the back and front yards, either intentionally or unintentionally before moving to Tasmania. We pass an apple tree on our usual post office route and the ground is positively littered with apples! Other sightings include lemon and apricot trees as well as quite a number of ginormous rosemary and lavender bushes. We pick up any healthy fallen fruit we find (which I think is okay, I mean, it's on the ground on the street so fair is fair).

The first beginnings of fennel have sprouted and our tomatoes are finally growing!I think our garden is best at producing pak choy so far. Initially we were growing in boxes we picked up from the green grocer but since we recently signed a 12 month lease it was decided we should go crazy planting the rest of the seeds we had on hand in the patch of dirt out the back.

I like trying to catch these while they float through the air.

Couldn't resist a little cuddle with Pip in the afternoon sun. Poppy makes me break out in an immediate rash, which really sucks, because it means I can't smoosh my face into her fur but I give her lots of pats anyway and wash my hands really well afterwards. Pip is safe though so she receives lots of kisses. Isn't her fur so pretty?! It always smells good too, like fresh hay and strangely almost like sweet perfume!