Christian Travelers Guide


I've finally learned an important lesson!

Listen to your body.

Since the Warrior Dash, my ear has been driving me crazy. I visited an Urgent Care on the way home from the dash and they told me it was swimmer's ear... which I found to be odd since I was literally in the water for 10 seconds and I haven't been swimming since at least last year. That was two weeks ago and it's still stuffed. It pops when I yawn, just like normal, but I can feel a little pressure in there that just won't go away. Whenever I walk, each step with my left foot is amplified in my ear and it's obnoxious.

I started with a cold later that week, literally as soon as school started back and it was pretty severe.. knocked me on my butt right away. I was so frustrated because I have ONE day left on that 5k-to-10k training plan and I so badly wanted to wrap it up and keep running as school started. I figured I'd give myself that first week of school off and then get back to it over the weekend. Friday we had a pep rally and I participated in the obstacle course with one of my 7th grade homeroom kiddos. I was trying my hardest to keep up with him and found myself with a burning chest when we were done... . needless to say, I didn't finish that last run last weekend.

This week has just been crazy. I always get frustrated when people say they don't have time, but between my cold, the humidity, and the craziness of getting back to school, I haven't found the right time to get out. Tuesday and Wednesday were really long nights -- faculty meeting, back to school night... and I've collapsed every night when I got home. I FINALLY got out to squeak in a short walk with Lucy and Josh Thursday night and will - come hell or high water - finish that 5k-to-10k training on Sunday morning becauuuuuse... .


Can you believe it's here already?!

I just got a notification from a countdown app on my phone that the half is THREE months away. THREE! I'm nervous, but I'm excited to see how I do this time around!

The other good thing? My weight has been consistently dropping, I'm down to 190.2, and last month, I hit my 100-mile mark for the second time this summer!

Ahh... feeling positive. :)