With this morning's run, I'm just under halfway through Couch to 5K (for the 2nd time.. eep!). What better time for a recap?
Week One
Day 1: Has gone MIA...
Day 2: 2.12 miles, 14:13/mi
Day 3: 2.14 miles, 14:02/mi
Week One was my easiest week, as far as getting myself out and getting back to the grind. I can easily do a minute at a time, especially when I force myself to think about the fact that a year and a half ago I was running 9 mile long runs..
Week Two
Day 1: 2.2 miles, 14:04/mi
Day 2: 2.05 miles, 15:05/mi
Day 3: 1.98 miles, 15:39/mi
Week Two was "Attack of the Flu." I started with it on day 2, then forced myself to push through a run on day 3 to get the yuckies out after being on my butt for 2 1/2 days.

Cold weather ninja.
Week Three
Day 1: 1.93 miles, 14:28/mi
Day 2: 2.10 miles, 13:19/mi
Day 3: 2.08 miles, 13:29/mi
Week Three was a recovery week AND my first week trying to work out my running plan with two nights of grad school each week. The vast improvement between days 1 and 2 is definitely looking at getting over the flu and skipping to running my butt off to get my workout in before class.
Week Four
Day 1: 2.13 miles, 14:45/mi
Day 2: 2.19 miles, 14:21/mi
Day 3: 2.4 miles, 13:07/mi
Week Four totally proved a point to myself. I ran days 1 and 2 in my trail runners, which are much heavier than my Brooks. I did day 2 on a trail that was covered with snow and ice and completely muddy. Day 3 was my fastest and farthest run, which I'll chalk up to the fact that the first two runs of this week were rough, and my legs felt heavier from my sneakers. This just means it'll be THAT much easier when the weather warms up and I'm not suffocating in cold air.
This week was also my first official weigh-in for my school's fitness challenge. I weighed-in last week at 202.6. This week, I was 197.4. HOLLA! That's a 2.5% weight loss! That's inspiring and makes me want to work even harder.. I just have to keep up with the positive attitude.
How's everyone else doing with their goals?