Christian Travelers Guide

Real life

I by no means consider myself an expert on weight loss, but I'm sitting here watching I Used to Be Fat on MTV and I just felt like I needed to speak up. (Yea, that's right, I'm eating dinner sitting on my couch watching TV.. a weight-loss no-no.)

I just watched a scene on here where the girl goes out to dinner with her friends. The friends each order sandwiches and french fries while Gabriella, the girl losing weight, orders baked halibut with pepper and steamed vegetables, then comments on how she can only eat half of it and tells her friends how good their food looks.

I will be damned if I ever deprive myself of something like that. I love the fact that I have lost 60 pounds in a year. It's been a very slow process and it's been very frustrating, and I'm sure I could have lost much more had I not allowed myself to indulge, but that's just not me. I love food. I love going out to dinner. I just enjoy that stuff. I have lost 60 pounds on my own and have eaten french fries, pizza, hamburgers, whathaveyou, and have never felt deprived. Of course there are times at dinner when I get baked chicken breast and steamed veggies, but that's because I want that.
I am impressed by the people who are able to stick to a diet meal by meal, but that's not for me. That being said, one last weekend of crap food and drinks ahead, then I'm going to back off the sweets, fast food, and fried food.. I taught two Zumba classes back to back last night and felt sluggish. I gotta get back into it. :) I'd love to lose 40 more pounds. I signed up with a trainer, I'm registering for the Mega on Saturday, and then registration for the half-marathon is coming up soon. I've got a lot to start working for!

New Year's resolution? No.. It's a life resolution.

  1. > Nook
  2. > An apology
  3. > the past few days
  4. > A new Olympic Sport
  5. > The Gallery: Kitchens