Christian Travelers Guide

goals for halfway through 2010!

So, here we are in June and halfway through 2010. The year has flown by! (I wanted to post pix of today's festivities but am not on my home computer since I am at the office working... )

This will be my last post for the next 6 weeks that includes the various areas of my life in some of the roles that I play.

Every Sunday I blog my goals for the week in the following areas listed below, which are only starting points. I usually try to have and accomplish at least 2 additional goals such as in my role as a friend and confidant or my role as a daughter, a cook, etc., most of which I do not blog about.

Starting later this week, my focus will change to be entirely on training - training for the bar exam in July, and also physical fitness training for my half marathon in October. The first (bar exam) is so much more significant and predominant. In order to practice on paper, what I will be reflecting in real life, I will only have 2 goal topics for the next 6 weeks: health and academics.

And although it feels like I am neglecting the other parts that make up who I am, it is necessary to do that in order to accomplish the main goal I have for 2010 - passing the CA bar exam.

Healthy Happiness

to stick with my half marathon training schedule that I began this last week; also, to continue to log my food and exercise in my diary (this has been so great for positive changes to my health lately)

Mom Missions

to enjoy every moment this week with my son by praising and/or complimenting him on 2things every day that I appreciate about him (this is so motivating for a 6 year old)

Paralegal Purpose

to have completed 90% of my work for this month by Wednesday night so that my focus can shift on Thursday

Academic Ambition

to begin Thursday with my plan for finishing this bar exam practice and training in 6weeks

Lady of the House

to organize and set up the "study" in my house for my bar exam practice

Bonus goal this week:

to review my yearly goals for 2010 to make sure that I am on track and to look at what I am looking to accomplish for the remainder of the year, once I am back in the game at the beginning of August :)

I hope everyone has had a great first half of 2010 and looking forward to the rest of this terrific year! :)

And here is my favorite quote at the moment, and it is by Winston Churchill: